Version: 1.8.0

Getting Started - Java

An Analyser configures the analysis session with the desired exercise and then communicates with the API by sending images. In return, events are called containing specific event data. Each analyser has listeners implemented that are called on their respective event. Visit the Analyser and Listener sections for more details.

A short guide

Make sure you have imported the package, especially if your IDE does not add imports automatically.

import ai.vay.client.*;

When you create an analyser instance, which also sets up the connection to the server, you can pass an instance of the Listener interface with implementations for each event. Note that the callbacks for the events have a default implementation, which allows you to only implement the callbacks that are needed. An example of the implementation for the Listener can look as follows:

class AnalyserListener implements Listener


    // If you want to visualize the keypoints, do it from here.
    public void onPose(PoseEvent event)
        // Get the points for each body point type
        Map<BodyPointType, Point> points = event.getPose().getPoints();
        // For example the left knee
        Point pointLeftKnee =

    // Metric values can be analysed here.
    public void onMetricValues(MetricValuesEvent event)
        // Get the metric values
        List<MetricValue> metricValues = event.getMetricValues();

    // Feedback are received here.
    public void onFeedback(FeedbackEvent event)
        // Get a list of feedback
        List<Feedback> feedbacks = event.getFeedbacks();

    // Any logic that evaluates an activity can go here. An activity can either
    // be an attempt or a repetition.
    public void onActivity(ActivityEvent event)
        Activity activity = event.getActivity();
        if (activity instanceof Repetition)
            // Count total repetitions
            totalRepetitions += 1;
            // Get the duration of the repetition
            Duration duration =((Repetition) activity).getDuration();
            // Get all feedback that occurred during this repetition
            List<Feedback> feedbacks = activity.getFeedbacks();
        else if (activity instanceof Attempt)
            // Get all feedback that occurred during this attempt
            List<Feedback> feedbacks = activity.getFeedbacks();

    // Any logic that evaluates repetitions can go here.
    // Note that the same information is provided here as in the ActivityEvent
    // if the activity is a Repetition.
    public void onRepetition(RepetitionEvent event)
        // Count total repetitions
        totalRepetitions += 1;
        // Get the duration of the repetition
        Duration duration = event.getRepetition().getDuration();
        // Get all feedbacks that occurred during this repetition
        List<Feedback> feedbacks = event.getRepetition().getFeedbacks();

    // Analyse the occurred error here.
    public void onError(ErrorEvent event)
        // Get error type
        ErrorType errorType = event.getErrorType();
        // Get error text
        String errorText = event.getErrorText();

    // Information that the analyser has been stopped. This is the place where
    // reconnection or disposing could be implemented.
    public void onStop()

    // When the session is configured and ready, the exercise including all
    // metrics is received.
    public void onReady(ReadyEvent event)
        // Get the exercise name
        String exerciseName = event.getExercise().getName();
        // Get the exercise key
        long exerciseKey = event.getExercise().getKey();
        // Get the metrics
        List<Metric> metrics = event.getExercise().getMetrics();
        // Get session ID
        String sessionId = event.getAnalyser().getSessionInformation().getSessionId();

    // When the session state changes e.g. from POSITIONING to EXERCISING,
    // the new state can be stored here
    public void onSessionStateChanged(SessionStateChangedEvent event)
        // Get the session state
        SessionState sessionState = event.getSessionState();

    // Here the state of the ENVIRONMENT and the LATENCY can be analysed.
    public void onSessionQualityChanged(SessionQualityChangedEvent event)
        // Get the session quality
        SessionQuality sessionQuality = event.getSessionQuality();

Once the callbacks are defined, you can pass the instance of AnalyserListener together with the server uri, which will automatically try to set up a connection. The session is configured with the passed exerciseKey if the provided apiKey is correct. Optionally, an external user ID may be passed.

String url = "rpcs://<hostname>:<port>"; // Url that will be provided.
String apiKey = "API-KEY"; // Api key for authentication.
long exerciseKey = 1; // Key of the exercise to analyse.
String userExternalId = "USER-ID"; // Optional user ID.
AnalyserListener analyserListener = new AnalyserListener();
Analyser analyser = null;
    analyser = AnalyserFactory.createStreamingAnalyser(invalidUrl,
        apiKey, exerciseKey, listener, userExternalId);
catch (Exception e)
    // handle exception related to failed analyser creation

Once the analyser is created, images should be encoded as JPEG (or PNG). An example code for JPEG compression can be seen below.

byte[] getArrayFromBitmap(Bitmap bmp)
    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 60, stream);
    byte[] byteArray = stream.toByteArray();
    return byteArray;

The encoded image can be submitted for analysis at any time.

byte[] image = getArrayFromBitmap(bmp);
AnalyserInput input = AnalyserFactory.createInput(image);

Don't forget to stop the analyser, once you're done.


results matching ""

    No results matching ""