
New feature:

  • Error handling rework (#72, #73, #74)
    • A new ErrorType.SECURITY_ERROR is introduced to communicate if an invalid api key was received.
    • A new concept was elaborated to define in what cases the error callback is called and when an exception is thrown. The reworked documentation can be found here.
    • The coverage of different error cases was heavily improved. For example cases like no connection established, invalid exercises keys or implementation errors on the server are now communicated with an appropriate error type. All covered error cases can be found here.


New Feature:

  • Add FeedbackImportance to Feedback to categorize every feedback by importance (#70).


The Session Quality received an overhaul (#67)

  • The middle category was renamed from POOR to OK, leading to the three categories BAD - OK - GOOD. Note that this change requires you to adapt your code when updating to the newest version.
  • We added a new category NONE, which is present in the beginning, when we are not yet able to give a good estimate about the quality. This should take a couple of seconds.
  • Improved our estimation and increased the stability.

Please check out the newly created page about Session Quality, where you can find more information.


New Feature:

  • Add onActivity callback to the Listener interface (#56). The provided event data can contain a Repetition or an Attempt.


Fixed defects:

  • Performance improvements and restructuring after internal protocol upgrade #54


Package updates:

  • Adapted to a new internal protocol to the motion analysis service (!45)


Key features:

  • Allow to pass timestamp of image capture time with AnalyserInput. Please make use of it for better performance. #33
  • Enable to create analyser with additional parameter to pass a user name (userExternalId). #46
  • Return unique session id in Analyser. #45
  • Provide all body points that have to be visible to reach the exercise starting position, as well as the last estimated pose. Both within the Analyser. #48

--> For the last two points please check our documentation about Analyser properties.

Package updates:


Fixed defects:

  • Shutdown problem of gRPC connection by updating to VUP 1.6.7, see VUP Changelog


New Features:

  • Detailed documentation about session state !34
  • Updated to VUP 1.6.6, see VUP changelog

Fixed defects:

  • Real time feedback in listener onFeedback #39
  • Updated SessionState #39
  • No duplicates in MetricValuesEvent #39


Key Features Update:

  • Provide access to package implementation versions (#38)
  • Provide field if returned body point is accurate (#31)
  • Updated to VUP 1.6.3, see VUP changelog


A first stable version of the Java API is released providing event data in all events of the Listener and a functioning Analyser to configure movement analysis sessions.

New Features:


First (pre)-release:

  • Introduce Listener with ReadyEvent, PoseEvent, FormMetricValuesEvent, FormFeedbackEvent, RepetitionEvent, ErrorEvent and SessionStateChangedEvent.(#1, #2, #3)
  • Add Streaminganalyser for online analysis providing the functionality to register listener, enqueue inputs and stop the analyser. (#1)
  • Pass multiple form corrections instead of only one (#15)
  • Provide exercise name and form metrics (#7)

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